Gaming Journal

How Portable Memory Is Changing The Game

Its really more than amazing to see how we have evolved in terms of how we view and share information with each other. Just recently I came across a very interesting device that I didn’t initially think I’d have much use for, but surprisingly worked out to be a pretty handy device to kinda have around the house. I present to you the Kingston MobileLite Wireless. Its a small device that helps you share media on to various devices.  It is essentially a reader and it frees up space for your phone and tablet. It can share data with up to three users simultaneously over Wi-Fi. It even acts as an emergency charger for you smartphone. And to add to that you get one year warranty and free technical support. Now that is a lot of things that little piece of plastic does. Its hard to imag...

A Date With The Xiaomi Mi 3

So we had a pretty good long weekend with Independence Day and Janmashtmi falling on either side of the weekend with this one here–the Xiaomi Mi 3. Its an amazing phone considering not only its price but also its stiff competition with other brands. It showcases how Chinese phone makers are capable of making quality products without cutting a hole in your pocket. It didn’t feel like it had the finish of the latest top-of-the-line phones from Samsung, HTC, and Apple but then again its price is nothing compared to one of the flagship phones. But in its league with the 2 GB RAM it demolishes its competitors. There is noticeable lag when changing the screen’s orientation. In conservative power mode, lags in opening group folders also occur. There is also a delay when launchin...

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