game of thrones season 7 trailer

Game of Thrones Season 7 Teaser Warns About The Great War

The first official teaser for the seventh season of Game of Thrones is finally out, and raises a lot more questions than it answers. So many questions. It’s a very short trailer, and doesn’t really feature any of the characters on the screen. As the sigils of the various houses appear on the screen you can hear prominent quotes from the various family members in the background, like Danaerys Targayen, Cersei Lannister, Lady Olynna and more. But the most interesting part comes at the very end. Jon Snow, proclaimed as the King of the North in the last season, can be heard warning someone that only one war matters, and that war is here. The other battles the houses have been fighting are not going to mean a thing when they have to face The Great War. “The same thing is coming for ...

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