elena fisher

Top 10 Video Game Characters We’ve All Had A Crush On

People have crushes. Gamers also have crushes, but probably in-game crushes. Admit it, there have been a few female characters that you’ve gotten the hots for along the way. Here’s a list of crushes we’re sure you’ve had up until now. How many of your crushes feature on this list? Aloy Horizon Zero Dawn Hey, the post apocalypse is still a great place for romance, especially if you’ve got Aloy by your side. This bow wielding bad ass won our hearts in Guerrilla’s new open world adventure Horizon Dawn, and we’re eager to see more of her soon. 2B Nier Automata Me and 2B have had a good thing going on, especially since that nude mod released for the PC version of Nier: Automata. Lara Croft Tomb Raider Probably the first name that comes to mind when  you...

You Wouldn’t Want To Mess With These Badass Women In Video Games

When it comes to video games, female characters may sometimes find it a little difficult to keep their dignity intact, in light of over-sexualization and the stereotyping as mere “damsels in distress” waiting to be rescued by the game’s mostly (not always, mind you) male protagonist. Now, that may have been the case when the majority of the members in the gaming community were guys. But times are changing. Women are gaining more recognition, becoming more and more kickass by the day, and if recent reports are correct, female gamers now outnumber their male counterparts. What better way to commemorate that than to celebrate badass women in the world of gaming? Here are 5 women who surely don’t need anyone’s protection. Lara Croft : Tomb Raider One of the most i...

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