
Is Mini Militia The Next Counter Strike For College Kids?

Before ye champions dismiss this as tripe, consider for a minute the points that may actually work in the favour of a mobile game like Mini Militia. Here, I’ll look at both these games from the perspective of a college kid because that is what I am. If you are a serious gamer who is already fuming over the title of this article, stand down, friend and read on. Graphics There really is no competition here. Mini Militia is the ‘Diary of a Wimpy Kid’ to CS:GO’s ‘War and Peace’. However, the mobile platform severely restricts what the developers can do and Mini Militia does a nice enough job with its cartoony graphics. The point here is that even those without a laptop to their own can easily get into Mini Militia. Even if you don’t have a fancy laptop, chances are that even your budget smartp...


Last week has gotten Pokémon fans all riled up, thanks to Nintendo bringing their most loved franchise to the smartphone. Yes, the little Pocket Monsters you’ve been a fan of since you were a kid can now be literally carried around in your smartphone as you roam around the world, aiming to catch ’em all. What a great time to be alive! Unfortunately, the game isn’t out for all countries yet. But for those who have the game and wondering about how to go about it, here’s everything you need to know to get you started on your journey to be the very best (like no one ever waaaaassss), to catch them is my real test, to train them is my cauuussseeee. Sorry. Got a little carried away there. Getting started First things first. When you run the game for the first time, you...

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