Games Of The Month: January 2016

If you’re one of those who completed every major game release from 2015, then the new year might be looking a bit bleak for you. Well, worry not, here are some of the top games releasing in January, 2016. There’s not much in the way of huge open world games, but these are great games nonetheless. And we really could use some tightly woven narrative driven games. Anyways, here goes! Assassin’s Creed India | Ubisoft Platform: PS4, Xbox One Release Date: January 12, 2016 The first game coming to both PS4 and Xbox One is Assassin’s Creed Chronicles: India. Further expanding the Assassin’s Creed Chronicles line, this new adventure sees players jump into India in 1841. Taking a 2D approach, Assassin’s Creed Chronicles: India is a departure from traditional Ass...

Mobile Trends To Watch Out For In 2016

It’s a mobile world, and it is becoming more mobile every day. Few things have had such a profound effect on the way we live, work, play and socialize as mobile devices. From sending emails and texts to incorporating cameras, GPS navigation, menu ordering and entertainment, no one could have predicted that the humble “brick” would evolve to become such an integral part of our digital lifestyle. 2015 was the first year that mobile traffic exceeded that of desktop users. And we expect to see a lot more from mobile devices in 2016. Here are some of the top trends to watch out for by the industry leaders. Yes, some of these trends have already begun in 2015, however we expect to see a significant rise among the same in the coming year. The Emoji Is Here To Stay “Millennial consumer...

Playstation Experience 2015: Reveals, Trailers & Highlights

The conference has wrapped, the trailers have been revealed, and 2015’s PlayStation Experience is officially underway. Sony showed off a bunch of great looking titles from developers both big and small, with a heavy focus on its upcoming virtual reality platform, PlayStation VR. Oh, and we got to see the first gameplay footage of the Final Fantasy 7 Remake. So that was awesome. If you missed the two-hour-long conference, don’t worry – we’ve got a full rundown of the biggest highlights and surprises from the show. Read on to get the scoop. Ni No Kuni 2 A sequel to Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch is heading to PlayStation 4, Sony announced during today’s PlayStation Experience 2015 keynote presentation. A trailer forNi No Kuni 2: Revenant Kingdom debuted du...

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