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Sony sells a million PS4’s on day one

Sony sells a million PS4’s on day one

Sony managed to sell one million Playstation 4s on day one of their sale in North America.

As expected, some users reported hardware issues, Sony’s spring off the blocks bodes well for the release of the PS4 in Europe and Latin America, which will take place on the 29th of November.

Sony has high hopes that the PS4 will generate enough revenue to make up for its poor fortunes. Things didn’t look too good for the Japanese firm when it went back to a loss in the last quarter as sales of PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Portable, and its profits dipped due to a price decrease on the Playstation Vita.

Sony has been giving its rival Microsoft stiff competition as they have managed to price the PS4 $100 cheaper than the $499.99 Xbox One.

Sony hope to see this upward trajecotry in their sales. However, at the moment seem fairly confident and will be hoping to put Microsoft in the back seat. But we’ll all have to wait and see until it releases on the 22nd of November.

Source: theregister

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After undergoing the IB curriculum in Kodaikanal, Joash disciplined in English and Political Science at St. Stephens, Delhi. Then went on to do his post graduate diploma in Mass communication and journalism at Xavier Institute of Mass Communications, Bombay. He has a thing for motorbikes, cameras, drums & the lovely Jeniffer Piccinato

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