Tequila Works had previously stated that if RiME were to be cracked they would release a Denuvo free version of the game and update all the platforms as-well. Lo and behold not even a week later the game has been cracked by Baldman, who has also cracked Sniper Ghost Warrior 3, Prey and NieR Automata. The gaming community now looked towards the developers and waited to see if they would hold their end of the bargain and kudos to them as they did. This is what the developers had to say.
We wanted to give you an update regarding the use of Denuvo anti-tamper software in RiME. Today, we got word that there was a crack which would bypass Denuvo. Upon receiving this news, we worked to test this and verify that it was, in fact, the case. We have now confirmed that it is. As such, we at Team Grey Box are following through on our promise from earlier this week that we will be replacing the current build of RiME with one that does not contain Denuvo. Please make sure your PC version of RiME has been updated, if it has not done so automatically.
Denuvo DRM has received a lot of backlash because it has impacted peoples hardware and in cases even dropped performance in games and people prefer that Denuvo not be used, pirates and legit players alike. This will act as another win for those rooting for Denuvo to be removed.
“[Rime] is super nice and you should support devs,” said Baldman, “But the game will be so much better without that huge abomination called Denuvo.”

Pirates claiming that the game ran smoother without Denuvo
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