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Resident Evil 7 ‘Banned Footage’ DLC Trailer Released

Resident Evil 7 ‘Banned Footage’ DLC Trailer Released

Banned Footage Vol. 1 ($9.99)

January 31 for PS4, February 21 for Xbox One and PC

Bedroom: Figure out how to escape from a locked room — but don’t let Marguerite Baker know you’ve been out of bed.

Nightmare: Fend off waves of enemies and survive until morning while crafting useful items and traps to stay alive.

Extra Mode: Ethan Must Die: A tough-as-nails mode separate from the tapes and story of the main game. (Does not support PS VR).

Banned Footage Vol. 2 ($14.99)

February 14 for PS4, February 21 for Xbox One and PC

21: Gamble life and limb in a deadly game run by Lucas Baker.

Daughters: See what the Baker family was like before the tragic events of Resident Evil 7: biohazard.

Extra Mode: Jack’s 55th Birthday: Race against the clock and feed Jack tons of food in this comical extra game mode separate from the tapes and story of the main game. (Does not support PS VR)
Bedroom: Figure out how to escape from a locked room — but don’t let Marguerite Baker know you’ve been out of bed.

Nightmare: Fend off waves of enemies and survive until morning while crafting useful items and traps to stay alive.

Extra Mode: Ethan Must Die: A tough-as-nails mode separate from the tapes and story of the main game. (Does not support PS VR).

Banned Footage Vol. 2 ($14.99)

February 14 for PS4, February 21 for Xbox One and PC

21: Gamble life and limb in a deadly game run by Lucas Baker.

Daughters: See what the Baker family was like before the tragic events of Resident Evil 7: biohazard.

Extra Mode: Jack’s 55th Birthday: Race against the clock and feed Jack tons of food in this comical extra game mode separate from the tapes and story of the main game. (Does not support PS VR)

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1 Comment

  1. the need the $$$$$ 😛
    Releasing the DLC so early 😛


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