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NVIDIA Announces Vault 1080 Mod For Fallout 4

NVIDIA Announces Vault 1080 Mod For Fallout 4

Today NVIDIA announced Vault 1080, NVIDIA’s LightSpeed Studio’s free to download add-on level mod for Bethesda’s acclaimed Fallout 4.

The mod adds an in-depth side quest and level area that provides over on hour of additional Fallout 4 gameplay in an expansive vault.  Vault 1080 features the same NVIDIA GameWorks Technology as Fallout 4, which includes Volumetric Lighting, God Rays, HBAO+ and FleX-powered Weapon Debris.

The mod delivers a sizable amount of content, over an hour of gameplay, that will be sure to please Fallout 4 players.

The storyline is set In the dark underground hallways of Vault 1080, a misguided congregation embraced darkness and sickness in order to survive.  Search for the truth within the depths of the vault, and judge for yourself whether monsters deserve salvation.

NVIDIA’s Vault 1080 mod finds the player trudging through a foggy, murky marsh to the ruins of an old church.  Inside they find Vault 1080, roughly similar in size to the other vaults found throughout the Commonwealth, you will find lost secrets and unknown horrors hidden in the shadows. We use volumetric lighting to light the corridors and rooms, creating a great deteriorating atmosphere for players.  Shadows are enhanced by NVIDIA HBAO+, and weapons debris comes courtesy of NVIDIA FleX.

Related Links:

Vault 1080 mod for Fallout 4 blog on

Vault 1080 on

Link to Fallout 4 graphics blog:

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