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Military Shooters You Must Play

Military Shooters You Must Play

Following the Battalion 1944 news, we at Gaming Central thought what awesome military shooters we should play till we get back to killing Nazis again. So here are three military shooters that are sure to satisfy the soldier in you.



Insurgency is a follow-up game to the award-winning Source mod. It is highly competitive, quite lethal and has realistic gameplay. The game has over 40 weapons which can be customized to your needs, thanks to a lot of attachments found in the game, each gun having a recoil system, similar to how they operate in real life. It also features a squad-based communication system which includes 3D VOIP, which allows friendlies and enemy players within proximity to hear you. These are some of the features which make insurgency one of good games which can satisfy the thirst of people who want some realistic shooters in their life.

Insurgency is available on steam for ₹ 479



Squad is an early access game military first person shooter which features 50 vs 50 multiplayer games. Its one of those games where communication and teamplay is essential to win. It features large open maps with vehicle-based gameplay (coming soon) combined with great infantry gameplay with the added bonus of  player-constructed bases to create a heart pumping realistic gameplay experience. Squad is one of the games which we suggest to keep an eye out for.

Squad is available on steam as a early access game for ₹ 1,599



ARMA series is known for the realism they offer and ARMA 3 does the same and more. ARMA 3 is a massive military sandbox featuring a wide variety of single – and multiplayer content. ARMA 3 features over 20 vehicles to drive or pilot be it on land, sea or water. Customizable loadouts allow you to be the soldier you want to be. It also offers various types of gear depending on your needs as to how would you like to approach your enemies on Altis and Stratis (290 km² of Mediterranean island terrain where the action happens). Gameplay is not the only standout point of ARMA 3, its visuals are one of the strongest points. The land and the terrain just look fabulous and if you’re one of those who want visuals as well as gameplay, well then ARMA 3 is got you covered.

ARMA 3 is available on steam for ₹ 3,299

For more news, reviews and information, be sure to check out Gaming Central.

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