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Kmart Australia Prevent GTA V Sales

Kmart Australia Prevent GTA V Sales

Kmart Australia has now also decided to take off copies of Grand Theft Auto 5 from store shelves following a review of the game’s content.

This decision was taken after Target Australia announced their intention to take down the game due to response to complaints from customers about the game’s depictions of violence against women.

“Following a significant review of all content in Grand Theft Auto games, Kmart has taken the decision to remove this product immediately,” Kmart told Kotaku Australia“Kmart apologises for not being closer to the content of this game.” .


Interactive Games & Entertainment Association (similar to the U.S.’ ESA) decried the decision.

“Over the past few decades videogames have taken their place alongside film, literature and television as a medium capable of entertaining all ages, including the ability to sustain complex and mature themes for an adult audience that rival similar works in other media,” an official told Polygon. “As a result, IGEA are surprised by the recent removal of a popular R18 game from retail shelves given the average age of a gamer in this country is 32. Games should not be treated any differently than books, music, television, or movies rated R18.  IGEA’s members are proud of their compliance with the National Classification Scheme and believe that consumers, which includes parents and caregivers, should be allowed to make informed decisions for themselves.”

Target Australia’s decision started getting cognition after an online petition started by survivors of violence, including sex industry workers, who want the game to be removed from Target. The petition started Nov. 29 now has more than 44,000 signatures.

In the Change.Org petition, creators Nicole, Claire and Kat say that the game “encourages players to murder women for entertainment.”

“The incentive is to commit sexual violence against women, then abuse or kill them to proceed or get ‘health’ points – and now Target are stocking it and promoting it for your Xmas stocking.

“Please Target – we appeal to you as women survivors of violence, including women who experienced violence in the sex industry, to immediately withdraw Grand Theft Auto V from sale.”

Target General Manager Corporate Affairs Jim Cooper said the decision was made following “extensive community and customer concern about the game.”

Do you guys think this needed to be done? Let us know what you think in the comments below

Source: Polygon

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After undergoing the IB curriculum in Kodaikanal, Joash disciplined in English and Political Science at St. Stephens, Delhi. Then went on to do his post graduate diploma in Mass communication and journalism at Xavier Institute of Mass Communications, Bombay. He has a thing for motorbikes, cameras, drums & the lovely Jeniffer Piccinato

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