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Just Cause Developers travel to Costa Rica for material

Just Cause Developers travel to Costa Rica for material

Just Cause developer Avalanche Studios went to the Costa Rica rainforest during spring 2013 to get reference material for future games, the studio details in a new video.

“The rich and uniquely diverse environment offered us a closer look at dense vegetation, beautiful skies, and flowing water, among other things,” said the studio.

All this footage they went over there to capture isn’t just for Just Cause 2, although a lot of it is used in the video. Avalanche however said that the reference material collected during the trip–including jungle sounds and various images–will be used in “many” of the studio’s upcoming open-world games.

For example, some of the sky scenes captured in Costa Rica will be shown in the Mad Max game for Xbox One and PlayStation 4.

Check out the full video below for more on Avalanche’s trip to the Costa Rican rainforest.

Source: Gamespot

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After undergoing the IB curriculum in Kodaikanal, Joash disciplined in English and Political Science at St. Stephens, Delhi. Then went on to do his post graduate diploma in Mass communication and journalism at Xavier Institute of Mass Communications, Bombay. He has a thing for motorbikes, cameras, drums & the lovely Jeniffer Piccinato

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