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Contests / Games / Geek Corner

GIVEAWAY: Win The Coolest Goodies

GIVEAWAY: Win The Coolest Goodies

Hey, we’re back with some really cool merchandise to giveaway. Here’s how it works:

Head over to this video:

Giveaway Question: Name the modder who created PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds?

What can you win?
AMD T-Shirts and other cool merchandise.


1. Leave your response in the YouTube Video comments. NOT on Facebook or the Website.
2. Like the video, and Share the video on Facebook.
3. Subscribe to our channel.
4. One winner will be decided by us, and announced on 31 May 2017.
5. Be nice to others, and enjoy.

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1 Comment

  1. Only one guy :(( You have a lot of Tees, you know. Btw I’m CptGeoMC from the Instgram streams :3


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