NVIDIA GeForce Gaming Moments Contest

Web Banner NVIDIA Contest

March starts with a Bang for all you Gamers out there! All of us as gamers have those awesome moments which we can never forget. And that’s what we want you to share with us 🙂

Do spread the buzz by sharing the contest 😉

So check out the 3 simple steps and WIN super-awesome goodies from NVIDIA.

1) Share Your Gaming Moments

2) LIKE the NVIDIA India Facebook page

3) Invite your friends (There are surprise goodies for the most active sharers 🙂 )

So lets get started!! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Well there are some awesome goodies on offer folks ! Here’s the list.

1st Grand Prize:

    • ·         NVIDIA logo engraved Hidesign Laptop Sling Bag (Black Leather – classy stuff!)



Premium Prizes For referral winners ( 6 )

    • ·         3 Brown leather Hidesign toiletries (travel case) bag with NVIDIA logo engraved


  • ·         3 Swiss Military with NVIDIA logo multipurpose chargers




Early Bird winners ( 20)

    • ·         10 Alpine Club Coffee Mugs


  • ·         10 NVIDIA-branded toolkits



Please Note: In case of any queries feel free to write to us on our Facebook Page or on social@gamingcentral.in

Show us your Love 🙂 LIKE us on Facebook!


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