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Far Cry 5 To Be Set In The Wild Wild West? (RUMOUR)

Far Cry 5 To Be Set In The Wild Wild West? (RUMOUR)

A little over a week ago, a local American newspaper by the name of Great Falls Tribune reported that a film crew was shooting a live action trailer in Montana for a game set in the West. At first, it was assumed that the game was Red Dead Redemption 2, even though live-action trailers aren’t Rockstar’s MO.

Some fans did quite a bit of digging, and found out that the Producer involved in the trailer doesn’t work for Rockstar but Ubisoft. The newspaper also reported that producer Jeff Guillot said, “This is a sequel to an existing global franchise”, meaning that the game is not a new series. While both Assassin’s Creed and Far Cry could be possible candidates to receive a new game, the latest rumours point to the next Assassin’s Creed game being set in ancient Egypt. Another interesting bit of information? The game is supposed to come out in September.

In 2015, Ubisoft conducted a poll in which they asked whether players would be interested in ‘A Far Cry game in the spaghetti western style set in the 19th century Americas’. Who knows? Maybe this is it.

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