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Home Sweet Home – Gone Home Review (Spoiler Free)

Home Sweet Home – Gone Home Review (Spoiler Free)

For the longest time I can remember, writing a review for one of my favourite games – Gone Home has troubled me. It’s not because the review process is lengthy or tedious, it’s just that in this particular case, I can’t talk about it without giving away ‘Too Much’.

I have come across numerous reviews across websites that have hacked the game to pieces laying bare the very nature of it without inviting players to delve into the experience themselves. Some spoiled it completely by describing the plot, some barely managed to describe the genre and some shamelessly ignored the entire plot point giving away the main storyline in the process. Although most of the scores praise the game highly (and rightly so) they failed to keep secrets to themselves and instead lay all the cards on the table. Hence, I am going to try and review Gone Home without treading on any element that might give away the journey.

Gone Home is a first-person adventure/exploration game that breathes a new kind of life into the meaning ‘Exploration’. You (the protagonist) come home from college to an empty house as your parents have left town for their anniversary and you soon find out that your younger sibling is missing. Your quest is to find your missing sibling throughout the house (Vague, I know). Now, I won’t be delving into the story further as it will only spoil you rather than give you useful insights. So, let’s talk about how well Gone Home builds on the fact that something as comfortable as a home feels so alien the moment you enter it. Even though this home is yours and you should know where everything is kept, you still feel and know that there is so much to explore and discover.

As an example, to explain this feeling that is familiar yet unknown, the moment you start the game, you are greeted with a locked door. The game urges you to find the key and almost naturally, you check for the key in places you would hide it. This is where Gone Home shines as it takes something as familiar and well known as a ‘Home’ and asks you to treat it like one but also adds a sense of exploration.

Once you enter the house/home, you begin groping around in the dark for clues like where the light switch is or how many rooms are there or why is it so dark in here and what is that I just felt on my shoulder? Soon you set of on a unique adventure within the house and absolute bliss/terror ensues. From a bookshelf that speaks volumes about the family to VHS tapes and Audio cassettes, you are spoilt for choice when it comes to information readily available (If you look for it)

Every corridor has something eerie about it  and the darkness haunting it doesn’t help you feel very welcome. The atmosphere is what really got me on edge. Throughout the game I had goose bumps and they weren’t always because I was scared. The writing is spot on and the story is absolutely……can’t tell you. The voice work is phenomenal and it really helps you believe in the characters, understand them and even live their lives for a fleeting moment. The level design is simple, the lighting great and the experience of exploration is tapped into very well.

There are many revelations that really break you down and the entire experience in many ways. You are utterly left in shock as you wouldn’t know what to expect and that is perhaps the beauty of Gone Home – it leaves you speechless even though you’ll have so many things to say. You will come across many people saying that the game itself is short – ignore them. If you play this right, you can get a good amount of time delving into each nook and cranny of the house. There are several stories wrapped amidst sub plots which are never really spoken about but you will certainly be wiser for looking thoroughly for them.

Give yourself something to really love this summer- Buy Gone Home and experience something fantastical for yourself.

Bonus: It has a pillow fort. Sorry, but I had to spoil something!

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