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Bioware’s New IP Takes Inspiration From Elements In Destiny, The Division

Bioware’s New IP Takes Inspiration From Elements In Destiny, The Division

At E3 2014, it was revealed that Bioware Edmonton, the creators of the Mass Effect trilogy, was working on a new IP, but it was all very vague, and no specific information was provided. But according to Liam Robertson, this project will be officially revealed at E3 2017.

Robertson talked about the project on a recent Patreon podcast, the same one where he also talks about a Knights of the Old Republic game being made by Bioware Austin. According to him, the new game is codenamed Dylan. It might be the game’s official title as well, and is related to the game’s protagonist. Here’s what Robertson had to say, as IBTimes reports, “Dylan is, from what I understand, a sci-fi themed game, it is sort of Destiny-style, takes some elements from The Division, it has like MMO elements. Someone described it as a ‘semi-MMO’.”

“I don’t know much more than that… it is a huge scale project, perhaps the biggest BioWare has ever done. It’s bigger than Mass Effect Andromeda, considerably so. It will have co-op.”

According to the statement that followed EA’s latest financial reports, the new game will be out before March 2018.  At the time, Bioware has said that it would be an action adventure title, not an RPG.

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