youtube gaming

Youtube Gaming Launches Today

The video sharing and live streaming website YouTube is preparing for the launch of it’s gaming-focused website, YouTube Gaming. The website, which was announced back in June, comes after the video giant reportedly failed to acquire game-streaming service According to YouTube’s blog post, the site will host over 25,000 pages, each dedicated to their own video game. On top of that, the service will also offer familiar features, such as channels that users can subscribe to. “Keeping up with these games and channels is now super easy, too. Add a game to your collection for quick access whenever you want to check up on the latest videos. Subscribe to a channel, and you’ll get a notification as soon as they start a live stream. Uncover new favorites with recommendations based on the ...

YouTube Throws The Gauntlet to Twitch, Announces Youtube Gaming

YouTube today announced YouTube Gaming, a brand new website and app to directly compete with Twitch, consolidating all the gaming videos and streams in one place under one banner. It will launch this summer in UK and US, and will later be rolled out for the rest of the world. Since this is a dedicated gaming focused site, recommendations and search algorithms will be tailored for gamers. Besides which there are niceties like 60FPS live streams and sorting streams according to games. YouTube is also set to set up a separate link for all the streams it will host. Do you see this replacing Twitch from the King of All Streams throne anytime soon? Do drop a comment down below and tell us what you think.  

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