The Crew 2 review

The Crew 2 – Review

The original Crew had some really great ideas, but lacked in terms of execution. The idea of a seamless open world, with the entirety of America as the main map, appealed to me, and many others. Sadly, the actual gameplay was a bit weak, specially in contrast to some of the other racing games on the market. With its new sequel, The Crew 2 aims to fix those problems, while adding a lot more to the overall gameplay. The first difference is the addition of new vehicles – you can drive cars, ride bikes, fly planes and sail boats – and all of them feel fun in their own way. The overall tone of the game has also changed with the plot. It’s a lot thinner now, but that’s actually a good thing. Instead of the ridiculous revenge or heist plot, it’s a simple tale of a gu...

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