Serious Sam

Oculus Offering Money For Timed Exclusivity?

Looks like oculus is again under the fire in new for it. This time the company tried to get the Serious Sam VR game and offered a lot to the Croteam and the VR community when heard about this shot their fiery arrows of disapproval towards oculus. The company had received a lot of negativity back when it blocked the games which could have been available to all VR platforms through Revive. This was the statement found on reddit made by one of the members of Croteam: “They tried to buy Serious Sam VR as well. It wasn’t easy, but we turned down a shitton of money, as we believe that truly good games will sell by themselves and make profit in the long run regardless. And also because we hate exclusives as much as you do.” However another Croteam member later stated this on reddit: “I want...

Serious Sam is back

  Your favorite first person shooting ass kicker is back and he is hitting the Xbox 360 this July with an all new collection. This collection contains HD versions of ‘First Encounter’ and ‘Second Encounter’, Serious Sam 3 BFE along with the Jewel of the Nile DLC, and Serious Sam Double D XXL. The Serious Sam Collection will launch in the US and Europe on the 12th of this month.         Source: kotaku

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