Mitashi GameIn ThunderBolt

Mitashi have for a while now been coming out with, fairly low priced, handheld gaming devices like- Smarty, Chotu and Touch Series. And only last year came out with an Android (2.3) version in the form of portable devices which are now available in a different hardware and Android 4.0.4 (ICS) system update. Their most recent device in this category is the Mitashi GameIn Thunderbolt, which is the successor of the Mitashi GameIn Thunder. The thing Mitashi brags a lot about this product is the fact that this deice gives you Android openness. But is that really enough to get a gamer to buy this device, let’s find out. Mitashi still isn’t a company that gives serious competition to companies like Sony and all. There is a very simple explanation to this: quality. This is a major turn off and isn...

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