nvidia gtx 990m

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 990M Performs Higher than GTX 980?

We know that NVIDIA GeForce GTX 990M is currently being developed for notebooks. However, we have picked up much more than that. For example, some alleged industry insiders have divulged information regarding the architecture of the chip revealing that it is being created using the same architecture as NVIDIA Maxwell GM204. For you that is like the architecture of GTX 980 card for the desktop computers. When you ask about performance it is expected that the chip will easily perform better than GTX 980 and aim to come closest to GTX 980M with SLI levels. So you in for a good powerhouse. Moving on, it looks like the manufacturers of Notebooks that use this chip are going to have to muster up a strong cooling system because this one is going to come with a Thermal Design Power (TDP) of about ...

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