Valve released an update this morning, removing 2 weapons from matchmaking, R8 revolver and Negev “as they go substantial revision”. You can still use these weapons in all other modes. Back when R8 was released, we all laughed (and cried) at it when it did hilarious damage, one-shotting an enemy like an AWP with fraction of a cost. This gun was then nerfed back to hell and no one bothered using it anymore. Now, Valve has reduced the firing delay a little so it still can be used effectively. It looks like Valve is trying to bring this weapon back by tweaking it a bit. Let’s see how it goes. But what about Negev? What will you buy when you have $16000 in the bank and want to harass your enemies? Well, your option seems limited now as Negev is no longer in matchmaking. In other modes though, ...