mass effect andromeda weapons

Crafting in Mass Effect: Andromeda Lets You Create Your Own Krogan Hammer

The Mass Effect series never included crafting as a big component, but that’s about to change. Not only do you get to create weapons in Mass Effect: Andromeda, but apparently you can also name them. Lead Designer Ian Frazier teased on Twitter by announcing that the game allows players to craft their own Krogan-styled hammer and name it GRABTHAR’S HAMMER. To that, senior designer replies that he created his own assault rifle and called it FAST, and a sniper rifle which he decided to call FURIOUS. Why do devs have all the fun? @tibermoon Today in my in-progress playthrough I made an Assault Rifle named FAST and a Sniper Rifle named FURIOUS. — Justin Perez (@thejustinperez) January 17, 2017 That’s not all. When asked whether the game will also have more melee weapons, Frazie...

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