lootbox ban

Lootboxes To Get Banned In Europe – “Mixing Gambling And Gaming Is Dangerous”

The recent controversy over lootboxes in Star Wars: Battlefront 2 had caught the eye of many outside the gaming media, so much so that government officials were paying attention to the claims of lootboxes being similar to gambling. This led to the news that the Belgium Gaming Commission had started an inquiry into the whole matter in order to determine whether lootboxes and microtransactions did really lead to gambling and addiction. Well, turns out that they have come to the conclusion that lootboxes with microtransactions attached to them do constitute a form of gambling, and since children are also playing these video games, lootboxes need to be banned. Belgium’s Minister of Justice, Koen Geens, had this to say: “The mixing of money and addiction is gambling. Mixing gambling...

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