Indie Devs

In Talks With Sand Sailor Studios

Just a couple of weeks ago we got early access to Black The Fall, which we really cannot wait to get our hands on once it comes out. The game is an atmospheric puzzle game set-up in a communist dystopian era and is developed by Sand Sailor Studios. We wanted to know more about this indie developer and got them to answer some questions for us. Can you tell us one thing about your game that no one else knows. Could just be the most random thing about your office/studio. When we introduced the Guardian, we used a placeholder sample sound for him to give the alarm. Sounded something like “Shmahat”. So even if we have proper voices and sounds now, internally we still call the Guardian: Shmahat. We pronounce it like this: [ʃmʌhat].   How did you guys come up with Black The Fall’s concept? W...

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