I love video games

3 Lame Excuses people make when they suck at Games

We all have come across them, grouchy gamers ever-ready to hurl their baseless lame excuses for when once again they get their ass kicked with their confidence crushed to pieces. We’ve compiled a list of excuses which gamers give when they suck at video Games, read on and don’t forget to share with us any lame excuse which you have come across. This Game Sucks. Yes, of course it does. That’s why you’re playing it. You had a quick look through your collection, discarded all the great games and chose the game that sucks to play. Yet again we have the solution for you, PLAY A DIFFERENT GAME!!! Lag…Holy Lag When gamers complain that lag is effecting their game, they’re actually referring to latency. If despite their geekage they are messing up on something as basic as this it’s no wonder...

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