Gaming Acessories

Razer Unveils the Nabu Smartband

Razer is a company that is huge in the desktop gaming industry, but they have never really been well known for mobile devices like a phone or tablet. At this year’s CES, Razer announced the all-new Nabu smartband – it’s kind of like a smartwatch, “but a lot less distracting.” The Nabu is similar to the Nike FuelBand, but goes a step further, as it also displays your smartphone’s notifications, communicates with other Nabu bands that are nearby, and can be controlled by active gestures the user performs. For instance, you can set the Nabu to transfer Twitter or Instagram information with another Nabu user, simply by giving the other person a high five. Want to give your phone number to a hot gamer chick that is wearing Nabu? All you have to do is shake her hand and the information will inst...

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