Disney Infinity

Disney Infinity’s Marvel Action Figures Not Up To Mark

I stumbled upon these insanely cute Disney Infinity Marvel Action Figures on Kotaku and simply had to share it with you. Keep in mind these figures are not available in India right now. Amongst the many things people like about Disney Infinity has got to be those cute little adorable figurines. Carefully sculpted and painted to reflect the characters personality, these aren’t just toys but stand for something much larger. But sadly the first batch of figures for Disney Infinity 2.0: Marvel Super Heroes wasn’t really up to the mark. Like what’s up with Captain America? The paint job is uneven and rough resulting in his face looking a bit pockmarked and the “A” on his head looks not so classy for some reason, can’t seem to put a finger down on it. And I’m not even going to start about those ...

Disney Infinity Free For Wii U If You Have It On Wii

Here’s some good news for gamers who own the Disney Infinity Starter Pack for the Wii. If you happen to be one of those gamers then you can download the game for Wii U exclusively through the console’s eShop, for no charge whatsoever. “Disney Infinity launched one year ago, and in that time the number of Wii U players has significantly expanded,” Vice President and General Manager of developer Avalanche Software John Blackburn said in a press release. “Given our commitment to compatibility for our players, we wanted existing Wii owners to be able to experience the Wii U version of the first game for free. With the upcoming launch of the 2.0 Edition of Disney Infinity we want all Nintendo players to experience the game’s Wii U functionality.” Disney...

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