call of duty movie

Activision Turning COD Into Epic Movie And TV Franchise, Similar To Marvel Franchise

The makers of Call of Duty, Activision Blizzard seem to want a piece of the silver screen action. They plan to use the interconnected approach so successfully followed by the Marvel Universe, in order to turn Call of Duty a sensation for the big screen with a TV and movie franchise of its own. Stacey Sher and Nick Van Dyk, the co-presidents of Activision Blizzard studios have been given the responsibility to turn the FPS series into a commercial success for the planned media. Speaking to the Guardian, Stacey Sher said, ““We have plotted out many years. We put together this group of writers to talk about where we were going. There’ll be a film that feels more like Black Ops, the story behind the story. The Modern Warfare series looks at what it’s like to fight a war with the eyes of t...

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