bioware montreal

Bioware Montreal No More, Is This The End For Mass Effect?

After the not so welcome reception that Mass Effect: Andromeda got at launch, the Bioware Montreal studio’s troubles have only gotten worse. Back in May the studio was scaled down and put in a “support role”, with a majority of its employees moved to work at EA Motive. Now it turns out that the entire Bioware Montreal studio responsible for Mass Effect: Andromeda has been shifted over to Motive ion order to help with Jade Raymond’s new game. This is effective shutting down of the Montreal studio that had made both the last Mass Effect and Dragon Age game. [interaction id=”5984265aa8bfa9a67e4e164f”] EA CFO Blake Jorgensen said “We’re building out a new studio in Montreal, as we’ve told everyone. And we’ve hired over 100 people into...

Bioware Montreal Faces Downsizing, Mass Effect Put On Hiatus

The views on Bioware’s latest entry to the epic Mass Effect franchise, Andromeda have been mixed, to say the least. The game does have a lot of issue which need solving, and amidst all the different reactions, it’s natural to wonder what the future holds for the series. According to Kotaku, sources close to the studio have said that Bioware has turned Bioware Montreal (the studio that developed Andromeda) into a support studio, and put Mass Effect on a hiatus for now. Though it’s highly unlikely that the studio will pull the plug on the popular sci-fi franchise, we may not get to see another Mass Effect adventure anytime soon. Here’s the official statement Kotaku received when they reached out for a comment: “Our teams at BioWare and across EA put in tremendou...

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