
Tekken 7 Cracked In Record 4 Days, Denuvo Gets KO’d

4 days is all it took Baldman to find a way to crack Denuvo on Tekken 7. A working crack is out along with the ability to get the Season Pass Bonus and the extra upcoming  DLC characters. That’s not the end of it though, there’s also an online fix that allows users of the cracked version of the game to play against each other. Fitgirl has also commented that a Repack for Tekken 7 should be up in the next 24 hours. With all the Denuvo games slowly being cracked or bypassed by people like CPY, Baldman and CPY we wonder if this is finally showing the shortcomings of Denuvo DRM and will have to wait and see if a V5 of Denuvo is in the works. The past 30 days have probably been the best for pirates with cracks for Dishonored 2, Prey, Mass Effect Andromeda, Nier Automata and Sniper G...

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