assassin’s creed syndicate review

Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate Review

I am a positive guy. I try to be hopeful, see the best in people. And that’s why, I was truly optimistic for Assassin’s Creed Syndicate. I had even somehow managed to enjoy Unity, if nothing else, just for how gorgeous Paris looked. And when Ubisoft promised me a better game in London, I almost believed them. Well, fuck. The game looks like a let-down from the very start. The visuals have been toned down big-time when compared to Unity. Sure, that lessens the number of bugs experienced. But when some interesting element of a game causes problems, removing that element instead of fixing it, isn’t much of a solution. And the crowds (when there are any) still behave oddly, performing tele-portations and other unstable activities. The people and the environment seem like they...

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