assassins creed 1 review

Assassin’s Creed Celebration Stream confirmed

Ubisoft has declared an Assassin’s Creed Celebration Livestream for later, June 14. That date denotes no wonderful achievement or commemoration for the series, yet it harmonizes enigmatically with not-E3, so all there’s prospects it will be something other than an irregular festival. Obviously, there’s not a great explanation for why Ubisoft shouldn’t randomly choose to have an Assassin’s Creed festivity tomorrow. We ought to all commend the things we love for not an obvious explanation by any means. However, there are some Assassin’s Creed-related projects in the offing that could get declared, for example, a limited scale spin-off featuring Valhalla character Basim Ibn Isha, which released recently. As per Bloomberg, that at this point anonymous game o...

Are Old Games Worth Playing Again: Assassin’s Creed Review

Remember back when Assassin’s Creed games used to fill you with a sense of wonder, and Ubisoft hadn’t started milking the franchise. Today we look back at the first game in the series, Assassin’s Creed.  Released in 2008, Assassin’s Creed brought to life a huge gorgeous world set in holy lands of 12th century Damascus, Acre and Jerusalem. Now, I’m not a religious guy, but I’ve been told that Jerusalem is a real important place as far as religious matters are concerned. Doesn’t the Pope live there? Or was the Jesus fella born there? Also, if you never learned how to read, you can watch this video:   Anyways, you played the role of Desmond, a bartender in the modern day, who, through the use of a machine called the “Animus”, is able to view the memories of his ancestors, embedded in his...

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