Nintendo Switch will be launching on March 3rd and it has a fairly strong lineup for it’s launch day, which will be sold in both stores and online. Here are all the games coming to Nintendo Switch at launch. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of The Wild is coming to Wii U also on the same day. 1-2-Switch meant to highlight the motion aspect of the JoyCon controller. Mario Kart 8 deluxe has has exclusive Switch features, it also includes all DLC of previous games and all new characters. Here is everything that will be coming for Nintendo Switch for now. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of wild (Launch Day) 1-2-Switch (Launch Day) Just Dance 2017(Launch Day) Arms (spring 2017) Super Bomberman R (March) Snipperclip: Cut it out, Together! (March) Splatoon 2(Summer) Super Mario Odyssey (Holiday) Fe...