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Steel Division: Normandy 44 – Review

Steel Division: Normandy 44 – Review

Steel Division: Normandy 44 is a tactical RTS game set during the World War 2. Developed by Eugen Systems, the game relies on detailed and historically accurate vehicles, artillery and infantry, and gives you a ton of tactical options that are enjoyable to engage with. This is a game that leverages historical accuracy, complex gameplay systems, and beautiful visuals to make a cohesive and enjoyable experience, without compromises.

There is a significant learning as with any good RTS, but the beautiful visuals and a robust intro are enough to hook any interested player. The large maps might feel daunting at first, but with an array of tactical considerations at your disposal, there’s barely any downtime. The attention to detail is striking, as zooming in to a section of the battle shows nice animations for both infantry and vehicles. The AI also behaves in a realistic manner, as when the stress mounts, units will stop following orders and even fall back automatically. This is where the numerous layers to the depths of Steel Division: Normandy 44 are revealed. Instead of the standard rock-paper-scissor gameplay of RTS games, there are multiple ways any battle can go.

Playing the campaign is important, as it not only offers a decent experience, but also eases you into the mechanics of the game. And there is a lot going on here that you should familiarize yourself to, or it can get frustrating through no fault of the game. You’ll need to know how to demoralize the enemy soldiers and capture them as they retreat, and also know when to order your troops to fall back. Later on though, the campaign can get dull and it’s better to play the skirmish mode or the multiplayer. There are 6 countries spread between the Axis and Allied forces. You create a custom built battlegroup, and understanding phases is important in deciding what to pick. Initial phases require recon and tanks won’t be useful here, but later on tanks become almost pertinent to victory.

The multiplayer is an absolute blast with up to 10v10 modes that can get downright chaotic. But having friends alongside you, managing the battle together and co-ordinating strikes can be an immensely enjoyable experience. A full 10v10 can get a bit too much, and something up to 4v4 feels like a more collaborative and combined effort.

Steel Division: Normandy 44 is a must play for fans of Real Time Strategy games, especially those with an itch for a game based in World War 2. Sure, there’s a lot to learn before you start earning your victories, but playing with friends is an unmatched joy, and counting defeats and victories both feel satisfying and rewarding.

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