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Battlefield 4 Final Stand is Closing In


While Battlefield 4 Final Stand is right around the corner, there is some intel on what to expect when the expansion hits. Read on for map info, Community Test Environment info and more…


This is Your New Battlefield

Make sure to pack your thermal underwear when you throw yourself in the all-new, wintry maps of Final Stand. You’ll fight through both enemy fire and the Siberian cold in Operation Whiteout, and explore a submarine base when you hit the mountainous Hammerhead. Military secrets and hints of future battlefields lie within Hangar 21, and in Giants of Karelia you’ll encounter both rural areas and a high-tech weapons factory.


Surprise the enemy team with the XD-1 Accipiter, a remotely operated, LMG-equipped flying drone.

Hi-tech Military Gear

In Final Stand you’ll get your mitts on incredible hi-tech vehicles and military hardware of the near future. For instance, we have a hunch that you’ll love piloting the HT-95 Levkov, with the capability to move sideways with strafing. The mere sight of the devastating Rorsch MK-1will make sharp shooters drool, and the flying XD-1 Accipiter is another explosive Battle Pickup that will give you the upper hand on the Battlefield.


You’ll see shades of Battlefield 2142 inside the hi-tech factory of Giants of Karelia.

Get Ahead With Gadgets

Any other toys lined up? You bet. On top of all mentioned, you can expect gadgets such as the Target Detector that attaches to DMR’s and Carbines and lets you auto-spot the enemy. The DS-3 DECOY emits false blips on the enemies mini-maps, fooling them into thinking they’ve got company.


The new Snowmobile lets you move rapidly over the vast and cold Battlefield.

Play Final Stand in the Community Test Environment

We also want to let those of you taking part in our Community Test Environment know that Final Stand will be available in the CTE this week starting on Wednesday, October 15 at 3pm PDT. The Final Stand content you play this week is much closer to what the final release version will be, so check it out and let us know what you think.

If you are a Battlefield 4 Premium member on PC and would like to take part in the Community Test Environment sign up for it here:

If you are not a Battlefield 4 Premium member there’s never been a better time to join, learn more here

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Geek....Gamer....Curious :) Started his affair with gaming with Super Mario on an 8 Bit console and has been hooked on to gaming ever since. With a commitment to promote gaming as a positive sport and lifestyle in India he started of Gaming Central in 2013 which has since grown as India's most popular social gaming community. Shrey is also a digital marketeer and runs his own agency GC Interactive based in New Delhi which helps brands from strategy to execution, fueling the growth of some of the hottest consumer brands on digital.

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