I hadn’t heard too much about Maize before I started playing it, except that it had been made by a small team, and was a bit weird – in a good way. Before starting, I also went to the game’s Steam Page where it said – Maize is a first-person adventure game about what happens when two scientists misinterpret a memo from the U.S. Government and create sentient corn. And that last sentence is pretty much the least ridiculous thing about the game. As you can imagine, I was all in, and I am guessing you would be too.
The game starts off with you in the middle of a corn field, trying to figure your way out. It’s eerily silent, and looks a bit grim. You won’t be wrong to think that maybe this is not a weird funny game after all, instead there might be a jump scare just around the corner. However, a few minutes, and gameplay mechanics later the game reveals a bit of it’s true nature and becomes really enjoyable.
The main objective is to explore and figure out what exactly is going on. You’ll be exploring various parts of a farm, and eventually the underground base where the real mysteries and their answers lie. Exploration is fun, mostly because of the game’s consistently humorous tone and beautiful environments. Everything looks really great, and the light is absolutely stunning in some sections. While the story may not be enough to hold the game entirely on it’s own, there’s a lot of great writing here that’ll have you laughing out loud on more than one occasion.
The game for the most part plays out as a first person adventure game, with a lot of explorations, picking up items and having them interact with other items in the world. It’s never really tough or challenging, but it gives way to a straightforward experience that I actually enjoyed. It ends in about 3-5 hours, and the story does pay off in the end. I wish there was more to it, but at a price of Rs. 565 (Rs 282 on sale right now), I really can’t complain.
If you are looking for something different and refreshing, Maize is a good pick. Just make sure to never press Q, it does nothing.
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