Rick and Morty, the new Dan Harmon and Justin Roiland co-created show quickly became a favourite when it debuted back in 2013. It follows the (mis)adventures of a crazy, alcoholic scientist Rick and his gullible, almost hopeless grandson as they balance domestic life and inter-dimensional travel. The show is widely loved and critically acclaimed, and while the wait for season 3 is surely a pain in the neck, we do have some good news to look forward to.
Rick and Morty: Virtual Rick-Ality, A Rick and Morty VR title is being developed in partnership between Adult Swim Games and Owlchemy Labs for the HTC Vive. “We’ve been working in secret for months, optimizing plumbus physics and working on the intricacies of Rick’s flask. Now we’re ready to give you all a hint of what’s to come! (Spoiler alert: you can totally jump through portals in VR!)” the studio announced. “Working with Justin Roiland is hilarious, and he gets us. In fact, we first met serendipitously over our mutual love of Job Simulator, got drunk, ate Indian food, and then decided to make a video game together. And now we’re bringing the world of Rick and Morty to virtual life!”
Though the game doesn’t have a release date yet, it will be displayed at the San Diego Comic Con, running July 21-24, so more news should follow in near future. As the teaser shows, the game is a little similar to Job Simulator, and feels as crazy as the show itself.