Ubisoft unleashes a new Watchdogs trailer which showcases a lot of new characters along with the main protaginist Aiden.
Watchdogs, Ubisoft’s dark thriller is set in a world where everyone’s data is available to warring tech factions.
Most of the time, game protagonists occupy worlds that are utterly fantastical, bearing little resemblance to our own reality. From the space marines of Halo to the artifact-grabbing archeologists of Tomb Raider and Uncharted, our exploits in games are as relatable as blockbuster popcorn cinema. It is all about escapism.
But when a game’s world and the activities of its protagonist start to look like something out of everyday life, it can be unnerving. After all, in video games we often operate by a moral code that we would never replicate in real life. We do questionable things in games. That along with a some great graphics and gameplay is something which awaits us.
You can also check out the screens and more about Watchdogs here
The game releases this May 27th for PC, XBOX 360, XBOX One, Playstation 3, Playstation 4 & Wii U.