Watchdogs PC Specifications

Watch Dogs PC specifications revealed

PC specifications for Ubisoft’s upcoming open-world game Watch Dogs were accidentally outed on the Uplay store, revealing the title’s PC edition will only support 64-bit operating systems. The Uplay page, spotted by NeoGAF users, has since been pulled by Ubisoft; however, saved details from the site outline its full specifications, ranging from minimum requirements to recommended and the slightly more taxing “Ultra” specifications. For Watch Dogs’ minimum specs, players will require a DirectX 11 GPU with at least 1GB of VRAM, along with a quad core CPY and at least 4GB of RAM. Example GPUs include NVidia GTX 460 or AMD Radeon HD 5770, and an Intel Core2 Quad Q6600 or AMD Phenom X4 9750. Users aiming to reach the game’s recommended specifications will req...

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