tomb raider leak

Next Tomb Raider Title Leaked?

It’s possible that a metro passenger may have revealed the title for the next Tomb Raider game, all thanks to an open laptop. The following picture was posted by Reddit user Tripleh280, with a presentation open on a Macbook which has Shadow of the Tomb Raider somewhat visible on one corner. The caption for the same reads “Saw someone working on a presentation for “Shadow of the Tomb Raider” on the subway (Possible new game?)” [Image] Saw someone working on a presentation for “Shadow of the Tomb Raider” on the subway (Possible new game?) Polygon, it seems was able to get in touch with the Tripleh280, who told them, ““I was looking at my phone and next to me was this guy working on a powerpoint. Out of curiosity i took a look to see what he was...

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