the elder scrolls update

The Latest Elder Scrolls Online Update Doesn’t Want To Let You Go

Recently, Bethesda released an update for their latest MMO, The Elder Scrolls Online. It adds some features and fixes, but might have an issue in itself. The 5 GB update allows you to play with your friends irrespective of what allegiance you belong to, but also came with a glitch in the game servers. Players have reported that they are unable to log out of the Elder Scrolls Online megaservers. When trying to log out, the timer will count down to zero, but nothing happens. Any attempt to cancel the timer and retry is futile as well. In the end, players need to completely shut down the game and then restart to log out or switch characters. Way to be clingy, ESO. Bethesda hasn’t responded to any of the complaints yet, and has provided no details regarding what is causing this glitch. T...

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