rains of reflection

Rain of Reflections Story trailer – Cyberpunk Noir Game for PC

Watch first trailer for cyberpunk RPG, Rain of Reflections Swedish indie studio Lionbite Games proudly gives you an insight into the premise of cyberpunk role-playing game Rain of Reflections – with a first trailer. For the past two years, Lionbite’s small but ambitious team has been hard at work crafting the cyberpunk inspired, dystopian world in Rain of Reflections, fleshing out concepts and engaging talented actors in bringing life to its characters. Lionbite can finally show the result of the progress with a first trailer, focusing on the premise that sets the game’s choice-driven journey in motion. This “story trailer” introduces the three main protagonists – Wilona, Dwennon and Imra – each with a unique perspective on the events that unfold. The player controls each one consecutively...

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