Playtonic Games

Yooka-Laylee becomes Kickstarter’s most funded UK video game campaign

Playtonic Games have been humbled by the support behind their Kickstarter campaign for Yooka-Laylee, touted as a spiritual successor to Banjo-Kazooie. But even they were surprised to have smashed their initial £175,000 funding goal so quickly. It only took 40 minutes to surpass it, an achievement that has seen the crowdfunding website confirm that it has become the “Most Funded UK campaign ever for a video game.” It not only eclipsed Frontier Developments’ Elite: Dangerous, but can also claim to be the fastest game project to have reached $1 million. That was accomplished in 5 hours and 41 minutes, which has only been outpaced by four other projects. “The response to Yooka-Laylee has been incredible and from all of us here at Playtonic, we really want to say a huge, warm ‘thank you’ to eve...

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