
NVIDIA Day Celebrations PlayMax Hyderabad Round Up

The second of the NVIDIA Day celebration took place in Hyderabad’s PlayMax Interactive and it was quite an event if I could say so myself. I was utterly pleased with the not only the response but also the just the type who people who turned up for this event. Gamers were showing up even as early as 9 and crowding up my registration desk. Once we got people registered, we stamped them with an NVDay stamp and sent them all to the rooftop cafe for a small briefing of the event. We started off the event with Need for Speed and the zombie shoot out. Gamers were given sometime to get used to the controls and get a hang of the game before they raced. We also had trivia that was being asked all through out the day where people stood a chance to win even more gaming hours and also NVIDIA t-sh...

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