oure game

Oure – Review

Announced and released at Sony’s press conference at Paris Games Week 2017, Oure is the new game by Heavy Spectrum. At a glance it’s reminiscent of games like Journey, Rime, and even a little bit of Shadow of the Colossus, and in many ways it sits among the same category of games. You play as a girl with the power of dragons, who seeks to revive ancient powers. You soar across the skies in search of Titans who can restore life to the land that been overshadowed with misery and gloom. It’s a vague yet intriguing premise, and the game soon sets you free to discover its secrets. For the most part of the game you’ll be soaring across the skies seeking your objectives. The controls take a while to get used to, but are intuitive and feel good. The game has a vibrant color palette, and everything...

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