Natec Genesis

All The Highlights From IGX

If you’re an avid gamer, and you missed IGX, then you missed out on what was one of the most enjoyable gaming events in India. IGX, or Indian Games Expo, was held for the first time in Mumbai, on the 14th and 15th of November. Players could try out all the latest games including Call Of Duty: Black Ops III, Witcher 3, Assassin’s Creed Syndicate, and many more. However, it wasn’t just games. You could meet game developers like Apar Games and Vanishing Point Studios, who showed off their upcoming games. Gamers looking to get the latest games and buy some cool gaming merchandise could go to GamesTheShop, Psychostore, Sunder Electronics, and many other stores present there. We also got to check out VR equipment made by Absentia VR, a Bangalore-based startup showed off its Tes...

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