mass effect andromeda cpy

Mass Effect: Andromeda Cracked In Two Weeks

Well, even the Andromeda galaxy doesn’t seem to be out of hackers’ reach. Mass Effect: Andromeda, released on 21st March, has been cracked in two weeks, by the group known as CPY. CPY has previously been responsible for cracking major Denuvo protected games like Watch Dogs 2 and Just Cause 3. While the game in itself has been the target of numerous jokes on the internet, thanks to its facial animations and bugs, we on the other hand feel that it is better than what people are making it out to be. We’ve been livestreaming Mass Effect: Andromeda on Facebook and our official review is supposed to go up in a day or two, so keep your eyes peeled for that as well. It looks like the hackers have yet again gotten the best of Denuvo. What does this mean for DRM and anti-piracy mea...

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