
My Gaming Journey With NVIDIA’s GTX 970

I bought the GTX 970 last month after most review sites described it as the deal of the decade and a product that stole the 980s thunder. Two GTX 970s SLI’d together were beating the 980, a single GTX 970 was beating a Titan in 3DMark firestrike, and everything was golden. So I bought it. Then I started to notice the tech community reporting about a few bugs with the card. There were a lot of rumours, trolling, misinformation, and general panic on the Internet, up until the point that. Being an owner of the much hyped and much slandered card, I thought that I should see for myself share my take on it. Let’s Get into This I would be wrong on my part not to mention something about NVIDIA GameWorks. It is a bundle that has been around for a while, but the ease of use that if brings to t...

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